Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We feed the world

Good documentary from Austria: We feed the world. Some points:
- Each day vienna throws away enough bread to feed the second largest city, graz.
- Within Europe, tomatoes are driven 3000km from the south of spain. Transport only constitutes 1% of the cost (...so why are higher food prices being blamed on the rise of oil?????) Also these subsidized tomatoes end up in West Africa for 1/3 of the price of local produce. The farmers cannot compete and emigrate to EU cities for work.
- In the Amazon, an area larger than france has been cleared to grow, among other things, soyabeens to feed chickens in Europe, usa and Japan. 25% of Brazils population suffers from mal-nutrition.

So how comes it that 100,000 people die every day of starvation and at the same time heart disease is the biggest killer in the western world. "Heart disease" is high colestrol - which arrises from eating too much meat.

A view of Almeria, Spain, from space - 1975 and today. 25,ooo hectares of greenhouses where tomatoes are grown in artificial soil.

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