Friday, August 8, 2008


aparantly classical economics states that the answer to almost anything was to allow the forces of supply and demand do their job. And now that oil is so expensive, people are starting to realise that "eco-living" (whatever its called) is actually worthwhile and cleaner and a higher standard of living anyway. In this case, who cares if people are doing the right thing for the wrong reason!

Finally, America's "first fossil-free" neighbourhood is being built in Colorado. It looks good. But if its in the middle of nowhere - people still need to drive cars to buy food or go to Blockbuster's.

There's one in Stockholm (above) which is slap-bang in the centre. It seems to be well-kitted out with transport and energy. This is how the whole eco-system works:

I like the one in Freiburg and I hope to visit it. Its been around for years. 50% of the population dont have a car. After all, they need to pay 18,000 euros per year to park it! Sums it all up, doesnt it!

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