Tuesday, December 15, 2009

copenhagen - our impression

Many people asked us why we were going to copenhagen and what we hoped to achieve out of it. obviously we weren't going to change the course of the discussions but i think most people like us wanted to go there to raise our voice, join the group and meet other people with whom we can share ideas. So that, while the politicians bicker about carbon footprtins, we can start doing our own things and making our own progress.

That's pretty much what we did. We went on the march and, as it happened, we were near the front of the crowd so we were basically walking in front of hundreds of photographers for most of the journey. The press were clearly waiting for a riot so they can take that prize-winning photograph. They got their chance later in the evening, after the march, when a bunch of people threw stones at the ministry of foreign affairs. The police charged in, arrested everyone in sight, and the press were happy. When we looked at the newspaper the next day, it seemed like a war had taken place. It was quite the opposite. We walked quietly to the conference centre where we were then lulled into boredom by a dj who played buddha bar lounge music instead of some energetic metal or rock to get things going. We didnt see the people throwing stones and as far as i know they were protesting about deportation.

So we went to christiania instead. Its a cool place but its not what i expected of an alternative town. Its more like the Tacheles in berlin, which means its quite punk and you can see the squater influence.

On the way back, in the metro station, we bumped to someone we recognised from nora's uni. They missed the march because the bus got held up (probably deliberately - which would be unsurprising). We told them about the march and... they asked how we got to copenhagen. We said we flew. That didn't go down well at all.
We were travelling on the same metro so they asked us if were staying in accomodation with them (i.e. a matresses in a school hall). No thanks, we were hosted by a friendly couple in awesome flat and there was actually a surplus of hosts so they could've done that too. Then they started getting really ratty and self righteous about everything. By implication, we should've asked them why they were taking the metro - they should've walked back to their accomodation!

Sharing ideas:
There are plenty of eco-villages around europe that are doing the right thing: growing their own healthy food, living self-sufficiently, sustainably and happily. People were sharing information, tips and advice. We also watched a video about totnes being a "transistion town".

We stayed with jan and john who had an awesome flat and just what we expected a danish flat to look like: spacious, minimalist yet cosy and comfortable. They hosted us for three nights and we got on together like a house on fire. We cooked for eachother, talked about languages and all sorts. Both spoke ridiculously good, accent-free, english as well many other langauges. They were a pleasure to be with and we had a good laugh.
We saw plenty of copenhagen. I think the one thing that struck me the most was how many independent shops there were. Its refreshing compared to the same streets throughout the whole of england. In fact, the whole city is refreshing, really. Its spacious, uncluttered, clean, quiet and beautiful!

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